
Older Adults and Technology Use

Older Adults and Technology Use

America’s seniors have historically been late adopters to the world of technology compared to their younger compatriots, but their movement into digital life continues to deepen, according to newly released data from the Pew Research Center. In this report, we take advantage of a particularly large survey to conduct a unique exploration not only of technology use between Americans ages[Read More…]

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Over-50 Crowd Increases Online Spending

The online economy has discovered a valuable demographic: old folks. This group has more disposable income than any other, and data suggests the individuals comprising it are becoming much more comfortable with the Internet. The Nielsen/NetRatings consultancy reported 7.4 million people age 55 or older made a purchase online in the last six months, up from roughly 26 million a[Read More…]

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US : People over 55 years old push Internet

According to a recent release by The Media Audit, though the younger age groups were the first to embrace the Internet, most of today’s growth is being driven by the older age groups, starting at age 55. In the markets surveyed, representing a population of more than 130 million adults, 61.2 percent of all adults visit the Internet regularly. “That’s[Read More…]

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Marketing to Seniors Online

Marketing to Seniors Online

The PEW Internet & American Life Project, reveals that 22% of American Seniors (over 7 million in number) have regular access to the internet, and go online often. Seniors internet access is growing in leaps and bounds – up 15% from the PEW study just four years earlier. And to make this group even more attractive, Silver Surfers tend to[Read More…]

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Michael Bloch : “Marketing to seniors on the web “

When combing my hair this morning, I noticed the steady advance of grey and thinning. “Hmm, won’t be long and I’ll be a part of the grey power brigade”, I thought. My partner also says I’m an old man at 35 (or am I 36? I forget). I won’t deny I feel it ;). But what is actually “old” these[Read More…]

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UK : Silver Surfers Lead the way with Internet Banking

Two thirds of over 50 year olds who use the internet are now managing their finances online, according to a new survey from NatWest OnLine Banking, placing silver surfers among the fastest growing internet banking users in Britain. What’s more, 64% of over 70 year old internet users are logging on once a week to check the balance on their[Read More…]

UK : Silver Surfers Lead the way with Internet Banking

Two thirds of over 50 year olds who use the internet are now managing their finances online, according to a new survey from NatWest OnLine Banking, placing silver surfers among the fastest growing internet banking users in Britain. What’s more, 64% of over 70 year old internet users are logging on once a week to check the balance on their[Read More…]

Generations on Line is the winner of the highest award for innovation in older adult learning from the American Society on Aging

1. Could you introduce the organization Generations on Line? Generations on Line is a not-for-profit (Non-governmental organization) that helps introduce the Internet to older people who are afraid of computers and never used the Internet. The program is web-based software that has large-type directions in plain language on each page. So it guides older people through each step and helps[Read More…]

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US : Internet Use Continues Growing; Most New Growth Driven by Older Age Groups

The younger age groups were the first to embrace the Internet but most of today’s growth is being driven by the older age groups, starting at age 55. In the 80 plus metropolitan markets surveyed regularly by The Media Audit 61.2 percent of all adults visit the Internet regularly. “That’s up from 54.9 percent in 2000 and most of the[Read More…]

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