
Luxury Brands & Boomers

Luxury Brands & Boomers

The 50+ population has $3.6 trillion in annual income, which accounts for 49% of all after-tax income in the U.S.1 So marketers are making a mistake if they shift their entire focus to the shiny penny of millennials, underestimating the value of respectfully building relationships with customers of all ages and of understanding the precious balance between personalization and privacy.[Read More…]

4 Tips for Marketing to Baby Boomers in the Digital Age

4 Tips for Marketing to Baby Boomers in the Digital Age

My Baby Boomer mom once advised me to “hook up” with my elementary school pal in New York through “the Facebook.” I rolled my eyes but held my tongue because she’s helping me pay rent. It’s also at these moments that I laugh at the fact that marketers are way more obsessed with marketing to millennials like me than to[Read More…]

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Breadwinning Boomers Responsible for Multi-Generational Brand Decisions

Document sans titre With 40 and 50-somethings at or near the peak of their earning potential and typically having several financial dependants ranging from small children to elderly parents, this prime Adult demographic is making the majority of the household spending decisions, according to TV Land’s "Generation BUY: A Close Look at the Boomer Consumer" Study. The findings from the[Read More…]

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Advertisers Fail to Connect with Baby Boomers

Nearly half of the Baby Boom Generation believes there is little truth in advertising and more than 60% wish ads had more real information, suggesting that America’s advertising industry may be missing the mark in targeting the most affluent generation in U.S. history. This new insight comes from Focalyst, a market research and consulting firm focused on Baby Boomers and[Read More…]

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Packaging and the 50+ marketplace

Packaging and the 50+ marketplace

What is a package any way ? We all know it conveys a product from point A to point B. Besides the obvious of getting it there undamaged or not broken, what’s a box supposed to do ? That job has changed dramatically in the last decade. The package has become the “first moment of truth” at retail. And now, especially it’s[Read More…]

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Advertising to Baby Boomers: Viagrafication

Pfizer and its marketing and advertising agencies don’t need my help figuring out how to promote Viagra to Baby Boomers – or to any other demographic. The word ‘viagra’ isn’t merely a brand anymore. In various slapdash forms it’s now a nebulous noun, an adjective, a verb, a modifier – and, if you think about it, it’s practically become a[Read More…]

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The Senior Market is Angry at Advertisers.

A recent study conducted by Mature Marketing & Research (of ; Hewlett, NY and Boston) strongly suggests that the Mature/Senior Market—the largest and most affluent segment of the U.S. economy—has a bone to pick with marketers and their advertising agencies. The pilot study, conducted among a sample of consumers over the age of 50, indicates that men and women in this segment[Read More…]

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Marketing to the Most Lucrative Target of All – Women 50+

Marketing to the Most Lucrative Target of All – Women 50+

Women 50+ represent 19% of the US population and women are earning the majority of the degrees from universities nowadays and making significant inroads into high-earning professions. Interview of Martha Barletta the author of “Marketing to Women” Tell us about TrendSight The TrendSight Group is a Chicago, Ill.-based consulting and training firm that helps Fortune 1000 companies build sales, market share,[Read More…]

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UK : seeing a Grand future in the mature market

THE few months in the early 1980s that Paul Bennett spent working in Saga Holidays’ public relations department changed the course of his life. It opened his eyes to the immense sales potential of holidays for older people – a vision that was to manifest itself in the launch of Grand UK Holidays for the over-55s. Bennett is still managing[Read More…]

Generational Difference in Human Resources

Whether you are a member of the Baby-Boomer, Gen X, or Gen Y generation, chances are that your year of birth has a direct impact on your work habits. The same goes for your employees. The key to successful recruitment and retention is learning how to tap into these behavioral factors and customize your HR programs accordingly. Each generation has[Read More…]

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