Old Age

Family caregivers are spending $7,000 per year

Family caregivers are spending $7,000 per year

AARP conducted a study among family caregivers caring for an adult over the age of 18 to explore the out-of-pocket costs of caregiving and the financial strain on the family caregiver. This report estimates the monetary costs of caring for an adult with care needs by quantifying the out-of-pocket costs family caregivers are incurring. In addition to out-of-pocket costs, this[Read More…]

AARP Report Finds Caregiving Market Will Grow 13%

AARP Report Finds Caregiving Market Will Grow 13%

AARP and Parks Associates today issued a Caregiving Innovation Frontiers (CIF) study aimed at addressing the current and future needs of caregivers and those needing care, as well as identifying key business opportunities and in-demand solutions sought after by participants in this growing marketplace. The report also points out six key areas ripe for disruptive innovation. The Caregiving Innovation Frontiers[Read More…]

SILVER introduces mobile assistant robot for the elderly

SILVER introduces mobile assistant robot for the elderly

SILVER project searches for new, innovative ways to acquire public sector health services by utilizing a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) process. The goal is to find new technologies to assist the elderly enabling them to continue living independently at home. With mobile assistant robot LEA the elderly can enjoy homelife even if they have physical or cognitive disabilities. By the summer[Read More…]

Barriers to health care increase disease, death risk for rural elderly

Barriers to health care increase disease, death risk for rural elderly

A new study of adults ages 85 or older has found that rural residents have significantly higher levels of chronic disease, take more medications, and die several years earlier than their urban counterparts. The findings were just published in The Journal of Rural Health by researchers from Oregon State University and the Oregon Health & Science University. The research confirms[Read More…]

by 0 comments Old Age, Society
Valuing the Invaluable (2015 report)

Valuing the Invaluable (2015 report)

In 2013, about 40 million family caregivers in the United States provided an estimated 37 billion hours of care to an adult with limitations in daily activities. The estimated economic value of their unpaid contributions was approximately $470 billion in 2013, up from an estimated $450 billion in 2009. Providing care for a family member, partner, or friend with a chronic, disabling, or serious health[Read More…]

by 0 comments Americas, Old Age
Facilitate care, not replace it (Report)

Facilitate care, not replace it (Report)

Technical assistance in elderly and nursing homes from the viewpoint of nursing and care staff is the subject of this report. Elderly and nursing homes in Switzerland are already using technical aids and systems today from electronic nursing records through to sensor mats. Robotics and intelligent environmental technologies are still not widespread. Nursing and care staff in homes are open[Read More…]

by 0 comments High Tech, Old Age

IRELAND: Research and Markets has announced the addition of Care for the Aged

IT vendors faced with slowing, or flat, corporate and consumer markets could derive valuable revenue growth by building ehealth solutions which provide care for the elderly in their own homes as opposed to hospital. As well, demographic trends indicate that the elderly represent a customer base that will still be expanding in 2050.   ;   Over the next two[Read More…]

by 0 comments Old Age

Europe’s Elderly Face Inequality in Health Care

The report from the charities International Longevity Centre-UK and the Merck Company Foundation found Europeans were generally living longer and better lives, but more vulnerable groups, such as ethnic minorities and the economically disadvantaged, were at greater risk of ill-health. James Goodwin, head of research at Help the Aged, said: “There are differences in the way some countries organize access[Read More…]

by 0 comments Old Age

Singapore : Elderly Dumped In Nursing Homes

Aged parents should be placed in nursing homes only as ‘last resort’ as they have better quality of life staying with family, says Balaji ; People are placing their elderly parents in nursing homes so readily that it is getting the Government concerned about the effects of such a decision. Nursing homes should be a ‘measure of last resort’, said[Read More…]