
Asia Fund View : Many In HK Not Retirement-Ready, Says HSBC

Asia Fund View : Many In HK Not Retirement-Ready, Says HSBC

Many Hong Kong residents aren’t financially prepared for retirement but they should be, given the aging population and low birth rates, say executives at HSBC Holdings PLC. “People generally know there is a need to save more but there is a lack of understanding about actual financial needs,” said C.F. Choy, chief executive of HSBC Insurance (Asia-Pacific) Holdings Ltd. He estimates around[Read More…]

Population Aging Challenging All Countries

The world’s population is growing older — bringing a wide array of challenges to both rich and poor countries. “Global Aging: The Challenge of Success,” a new report by the Population Reference Bureau, points out that people age 65 or older already make up nearly one-fifth of the population in many European countries, and that the share is rising. Authors[Read More…]

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America’s “Attitudes on Aging” Explored in Nationwide Study

A study released today debunks the common perception that Americans are obsessed with vanity when it comes to aging. The study, commissioned by emerging nutraceutical company, Juvenon, Inc., shows that for two out of three Americans, the leading age-related worry is “deteriorating physical condition.” One in two Americans is concerned with “loss of mental sharpness.” Only 8 percent place “gray[Read More…]

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Transit Industry To Help Older Americans Stay Mobile

To address the transportation needs of older Americans, the public transportation industry is launching an initiative to explore new and innovative ways to help seniors stay mobile and independent. The initiative, called “Easy Rider: Advancing Mobility Needs for Aging Americans,” was announced in early May by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) to coincide with Older Americans Month. Easy Rider[Read More…]

A Mature Approach to Senior Marketing

A Mature Approach to Senior Marketing

Young, old, or any age group in-between, understanding your target audience is the key to developing any marketing campaign. ; Knowing what appeals to them, their media consumption and retention habits, and attitudes serve as the precursors to and foundation of your campaign. ; It is no secret that young-adult audiences easily identify and respond to marketing programs aimed toward glamorizing their peers. ; Now let’s[Read More…]