
A survey by Influent50 reveals marketers have a lot to learn when talking to the 50+.

This survey was commissioned by Influent50 using ORC International’s Generational Online CARAVAN Omnibus. The survey was conducted among a sample of 1,000 baby boomers between the ages of 50 and 69. This survey was live on May 13-18, 2015.


Are you talking to me? Not very well…

Eight in ten (83%) of Boomers say that marketers are making some kind of mistake when trying to appeal to people ages 50-69.

More than one-third (36%) of Boomers agree that marketers get it all wrong when it comes to advertising to people ages 50-69. And four in ten (40%) Boomers agree that companies don’t know what’s important to people their own age. Similarly, four in ten (40%) Boomers agree that advertising targeted to twenty- and thirty-somethings is generally a turn-off to people who are their own same age.

Half (47%) of Boomers say that companies use inaccurate stereotypes about people their own age in advertising.

Six in ten Boomer women find it appealing when people in ads look like they’re their own same age – with maybe a few wrinkles and a little gray hear (compared to four in ten – 39% – Boomer men).

Seven in ten (71%) Boomers agree that ads using music from their youth are intended to appeal to someone like them, and slightly fewer (63%) actually like it when commercials use music from their youths.

Baby Boomers Splurge!

Baby Boomers spend money, and they’re willing to pay more for quality and service. Half (52%) of Baby Boomers agree that they’re more willing to splurge on new things now than they did when they were younger. Three quarters (74%) are more likely to pay extra for something that offers more convenience today, or higher quality (74%) than they were 20 years ago. One third (34%) of Boomers are willing to upgrade to a newer version of something even if the old one still works.

One third (32%) of Baby Boomers disagree that they spend less money on new purchases.

Boomers are definitely not stuck in their ways

Baby Boomers don’t just stick with what they know. They try new things, and they’re intrigued by quality. Nearly half (46%) of Boomer women are more likely to consider a new brand than their old favorites today than they were 20 years ago. Eight in ten (82%) Boomers agree that they’re open to considering new brands for a purchase. Three quarters (76%) would consider a new brand that offers higher quality.

Boomers are discerning – and willing to pay for it

Beyond just quality, boomers want strong customer service. Five out of six (84%) boomer agree that they’re more likely to consider quality and features, and not just price when they’re considering a new purchase, and eight in ten (79%) boomers agree that they’re more likely to consider customer service, and how customers are treated beyond just price. In fact, four out of ten Boomer women (40%) agree strongly that customer service and treatment is part of their consideration beyond price. Half (50%) of Boomers would consider buying a new brand of a product they already buy for better customer service.

See full survey results >

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