
the most significant consumer trends among Boomers over the last 25 years

KEN DYCHTWALDIn your opinion, what have been the most significant consumer trends among Boomers over the last 25 years and why? Please discuss at least three. Include in your answer reference to any personal research or experience with studying these trends.Throughout 99 percent of all the years during which humans have walked this earth, the average life expectancy was less[Read More…]

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Drilling for boomer gold

The statistic would give any mortgage banker pause, but Jack Haynes chose to point to the big picture. Haynes, the executive vice president of the National Builder Division at Dallas-based Countrywide Home Loans, said there was an enormous opportunity with homebuyers age 50 and older despite a recent survey indicating that 60 percent of those buyers would prefer to pay[Read More…]

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Revlon taps into graying baby boomers

Revlon taps into graying baby boomers

The launch of a new make-up line from Revlon aimed at the 50+ market targets one of the biggest growth areas of the moment – skin care for the first of the baby boomer generation to slip into the mature category. Vital Radiance has been formulated for the specific skin concerns of older women, providing what the company terms as[Read More…]

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Marketers await the ageing generation

Marketers await the ageing generation Australia’s ageing consumers are well-informed, have high expectations of their later years and wield significant spending clout. So are healthcare companies, which stand to benefit most from the dramatic expansion of the 55 years-plus demographic in the coming years, ready to cash in on this lucrative market? Pfizer Consumer Healthcare undertook a major research project[Read More…]

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Will the baby boomers crash the market?

By Keith Brand from I’m starting to think there’s more than a few boomers looking to get out and get out quick. Sell their overpriced house. Sell all their stocks. Get into cash and bonds. Raise cash quick. Especially the ones who never saved for retirement – their remaining home equity (what they didn’t raid the housing ATM of)[Read More…]

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The U.S. Baby Boomer Market

The U.S. Baby Boomer Market As the first wave of Baby Boomers turn age 60 in 2006, Packaged Facts presents an all-new report on the attitudes, preferences, and shopping behaviors of this cohort across a wide range of U.S. markets. Born between the years 1946 and 1964, this diverse, individualistic, and demanding generation accounts for nearly one in three Americans[Read More…]

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